Time For A New Bathroom? 4 Questions To Ask When Planning The New Addition

2 June 2016
 Categories: , Blog

The bathroom is often the most overlooked – and overused – room in your home. If it's time to add a new bathroom to your home, take the time to make sure you get exactly what you want. To do that, you need to think about your needs – specifically what you need your new bathroom to do for you. Look beyond the sink, tub and toilet. Here are four questions you should ask when planning your bathroom addition.

How Many People Will Use It?

If your new bathroom is going to be used by multiple people – such as the bathroom your children will be using – you might want to plan for the additional use. This is particularly important if this will be the main bathroom that your children use to get ready for school, etc. Separate toilet and shower compartments will allow multiple people to use the bathroom at the same time, comfortably.

Is Storage a Concern?

If your present bathroom is lacking in storage space – or if you don't have a free-standing linen closet near your bathroom – you may want to talk to your contractor about adding storage space to your plans. If you don't like the idea of having storage cabinets under your bathroom vanity, try hanging baskets on the wall to provide creative spaces to store your supplies.

Do You Have Health Issues That Should Be Addressed?

If disabilities are making it difficult for you to utilize your present bathroom, you'll need to talk to your contractor about modifying the plans to accommodate your specific needs. For instance, if you use a wheelchair or scooter for mobility, lowered countertops and elevated toilet seats would make it easier for you to take care of your personal needs. If you have problems with your vision, increased lighting fixtures, or natural lighting - windows or skylights – may make it easier for you to see when you're in the bathroom.

What About the Extra Comforts?

While you're planning for your needs, don't forget to add some extra comfort to the plans. Things like heated towel racks, steam showers and built-in televisions can help create the perfect bathroom for you, your family, and your guests.

If you've run out of room in your old bathroom, it's time to add a new one. While you're planning the new bathroom, don't forget to consider the unique needs of you and your family. The tips provided here will help you plan the perfect bathroom. For more helpful tips about planning your new bathroom, be sure to speak a your contractor who specializes in home additions and remodels.  
